Pantry Staple ~ Sourdough Bread & Strawberry-Rhubarb Jam

I have started to make sourdough bread 2-3 times a week. I really love it and so does my family. I start it at night and let it rest till morning, reshape it, and bake a loaf--usually, it will be ready just in time for lunch. This loaf was barely cool before half of it was gone, which is normal in our house.

It all started when the pandemic made finding yeast impossible. I had some old starter but was not sure if I could revive it so I made a new batch alongside the old. Turns out I like the new batch characteristics better than the old.

I added the recipe link above that I follow. I find it relaxing and fulfilling to make bread this way, it is like no-knead bread in many ways.

Yesterday I finally got a chance to cook my daughter's favorite jam before the strawberries faltered. I made it early so she could enjoy a slice of warm bread with her favorite jam. Truthfully, I also have more energy in the morning than at night. Old age has its price.

I really like Pamona Pectin and use it in all my preserves. It has an infinite shelf life and though not easy to find (so buy more for your pantry), it is pectin that allows you to make a low-sugar jam and in some cases a no-sugar jam. I will leave a link below:

I make small jars of jam because we do not eat an excessive amount, therefore a small jar makes sense.

Stay Home, Stay Safe, Help Where You Can.

~ Cookin Mum


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