Fresh Pasta in Garlic, Parsley, & Breadcrumbs - Pangrattatto

I really love making fresh pasta. I usually do not make spaghetti but I had saved a recipe by Jenny Woodward for this seemingly simple breadcrumb and garlic pasta. It was in my "to be tested" recipe file.

I made fresh pasta earlier in the day using my favorite food processor recipe and left it to rest for the day in the fridge. At that point, I was not sure what direction I would take with my evening meal. I only knew it would be pasta. I had made bread which was at its last phase when it should be used or converted, so breadcrumbs it was. From that point on the recipe found itself. I toasted the bread slices to help speed the drying process, then placed them in chunks in my food processor and blitzed them into a nice panko breadcrumb size. Make sure the crumbs are well toasted and dry before you blitz them. I added a few shakes of Italian seasoning for good measure.

I grated two garlic cloves on my fancy grater, less than the recipe called for because I was making a small portion. I add the olive oil, garlic, and red pepper flakes to my skillet.

The homemade breadcrumbs was added after the oil and garlic was warmed through.

It smelled delicious. The recipe calls for anchovies but I did not have any.

Then I boiled the fresh pasta for 3 minutes and added it to a bowl with beaten egg yolks and spices, tossing the bread crumbs in last and the parsley on top.

It was another inspiring, delicious meal. I would serve this dish with confidence to any company, especially a girls night--mind you there would be copious amounts of red wine if that were the case.  If you decided to make this for dinner for company, add a nice big salad and perhaps poached salmon. You won't be sorry.


1/4 cup olive oil
2 garlic cloves
1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 cup dried bread crumbs - make your own if you can, or Panko
Pepper and salt to taste

Spaghetti for one person
2 egg yolks
1 teaspoon Asian fish sauce
1 teaspoon hot sauce, like Tabasco
1/4 cup chopped parsley


In a medium skillet, warm the oil, add the garlic and pepper flakes. Warm through. Add the breadcrumbs and toast in the garlic oil. I like it on the salty side so I added more salt and pepper. Set aside.

In a large pot of salted water, boil your pasta. Reserve 1/4 cup water for the sauce and in case the pasta is drier than you like when you incorporate everything.

Add the egg yolks, hot sauce, fish sauce and a few tablespoons of pasta water to a large serving bowl. Wisk together. Add the hot pasta and toss in the egg mixture. The yolk mixture should coat all of the pasta. Add the breadcrumbs and parsley and toss. Drizzle with a little olive oil before serving.

In the original recipe, there were anchovy filets added with the garlic. I omitted them because I did not have them. I usually buy anchovy paste in a tube, I find it easier to work into a meal I am making such as this one. I would have added a teaspoon of paste to have the flavor. If I buy a small can of fillets, I never use them fast enough but a tube is easy to store and use.

~ Hugs From Mum


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