Pressure Cooker Cabbage & Cabbage Roll Stew
I have finally finished my Tomato processing season. Unless of course, I find more today at the market. No, no, no, 75 pounds is enough. I was not even going to do it this year but there they were in all their red glory. My self-control went out the window.
My last batch of roasted tomatoes I finished out as stewed tomatoes in my slow cooker. They were thick, sumptuous, chunky, and were waiting for me in the fridge to be bagged and placed in the freezer.
So I decided to tackle the whole cabbage I had purchased for cole slaw the week previous, but there were no coleslaw meals on the horizon. Therefore I decided to make a deconstructed cabbage roll meal instead. I cut the cabbage in quarters and one quarter I kept for that night's dinner. I experimented with the rest in my pressure cooker.
It was not until after I knew the results I realized I could easily have used the pressure cooker cabbage as a base for the stew. I am rolling my eyes at myself. Because I did not know how the pressure cooker would finish the cabbage. I cooked the dinner portion of the cabbage in an enamel braiding pot along with onion and a few cloves of garlic, browned a pound of beef, and then added the stewed tomatoes, thyme leaves and carrots and celery. I let it cook for 45 minutes. At the end, I added some chives and cream cheese, just a few tablespoons. It was heavenly.
The remaining 3/4 cabbage I sliced into nice thin strips and placed them in the pressure cooker. I surmised it was better to cook it and freeze it than to lose it to bad planning. I had been looking for a recipe on Pinterest and came across hundreds. I decided on my version based on what I think would taste good.
Pressure Cooker Cabbage:
3/4 head sliced cabbage - you can easily do a whole
A drizzle of sesame oil
2 cups tomato water ( tomato juice )
A drizzle of apple cider vinegar
Pinch red pepper flakes
A sprinkle of cumin seeds
Place in you pressure cooker and close the vent, cook for 15 minutes. Let it vent naturally.
The end result was an epiphany for me. I would be able to easily cook a whole head of cabbage in 15 minutes and freeze some and cook the rest into a meal, or use it as a side.
I use my electric pressure cooker a lot. I have an 8 quart Wolfgang Puck model. I love it. I tried the Instapot, however it arrived and did not function at all and I had to send it back. My simple Wolf worked like a dream from the moment it arrived in my kitchen. I make lentils and beans in it and that works like a dream too.
Have fun! I hope you try it out!
~ Hugs from Mum
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