Yummy Roasted Butternut Squash Soup - Fall Comfort Food

Since I went to culinary school, I find my family all go crazy over (pause for effect) simple soups. My teacher was amazing. I believed him when he said he once fed 200 people with just scraps he had in the refrigerator.

I decided to make butternut squash soup since hubby was under the weather and actually asked me to make it. When it was done and he tasted it, he sent his mother a text so she could look forward to having it for dinner. Yes, they love my soups that much. I made over 2 quarts, it was barely enough. Before supper, hubby had 2 big bowls, I had a bowl as my dinner, and there was just enough to give a respectable portion on the table.

Cutting the squash falls to him. I find it a challenge to handle such a hard rolling beast of a squash. I dislike peeling and boiling butternut squash because it just seems like way to much work. So I stick to the easy roasting method. The removal of all the seeds is my job. I wash the outer skin to be sure no untoward things still live there. Then I roast the squash till golden and brown as in the picture above. I add olive oil, salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning before I place it in the oven 375* for about 40 minutes. In the meantime, make the mirepoix and start it cooking.

After the squash is done (my Chef always said it is done when it is done) and cooled enough to be handled, remove the skin and prepare the base mirepoix. Add the flour to the mirepoix and after it is incorporated in the slightly fried mixture, add the stock you prefer. I add some fresh thyme sprigs and bay leaf. Let this simmer till the vegetables are soft. Now add the roasted squash and let it all simmer for 20 minutes. I like to add some butter at the end and some warmed milk to thin the soup, in some cases I also use hot water. My teacher once said to me that water makes the best soup because it does not hide the flavor of the ingredients.

I then puree the mixture--usually in two batches--return it to the pot, and let it simmer for a few minutes. Taste and adjust seasoning.


1 roasted butternut squash
2 peeled and chopped carrots, small size
1 large celery chopped, same size as carrots
1 small white onion chopped
3 sprigs of fresh thyme, dried if you don't have fresh
2 large tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons olive oil, and butter for frying (butter is for flavor)
Italian seasoning to taste
2 bay leaves
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
4 cups broth, chicken or vegetable or water
2-4 cups boiling hot water to thin the soup in the later phases
1 cup milk or cream

I also made chickpea curry, which is why I added it to the post. If you stay with vegetable broth I think this meal qualifies as vegetarian.

If you have questions, ask away!



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