Applesauce Is A Great Affordable Pantry Food - and it makes Cake!

As the season winds down this year, I grieve a little. At my age, each season grows closer to the possible last season, so I cherish each one that much more.

I received a basket of Cortland apples in this week's farm delivery from Willowtree Farm and decided I wanted to make my favorite apple spice cake for Thanksgiving weekend, Sunday dinner. It was a total of 12 apples. I found a stray ginger crisp so that makes 13 apples.

My darling daughter and I spent the morning peeling the apples and coring them. Then we made a lovely apple sauce. I let that cool.

Applesauce is a wonderful way to save of the season's fresh apples. I usually freeze mine so the ratios are not that important. I used 13 apples, a drizzle of lemon juice, and 2 cups of white sugar.

A water bath method will make it shelf-stable, just make sure to follow a safe recipe from a reliable source. NCFHP or Ball or Bernardins website.

Each season brings something wonderful. In the fall, we are blessed in Ontario with amazing produce. Take a drive and go to your local farmer's market and purchase from a local farmer. Your community and local farmers need your support.

~ Mum


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